December 21, 2013

Chat with your Friends with Command Prompt

now you can chat with your friends easily with this simple trick . so then you just need you friend IP and your command prompt
1.     Open the office word or notepad  and paste this code

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

      2.     Now save this file with the “messenger.bat” then open your command prompt.
      3.     Drag the file (.bat file) over to the CP and then press enter.
      4.     So then CP show you the messenger and user
      5.     So in the user field you just enter your friend IP
      6.     So after that just enter you message want to send your friend

So this is a simple trick to chat with the command prompt so start chatting with him or her